The first 50 textbooks of Aesthetics in Spain


The article presents the manuals that introduced the study of aesthe - tics in Spanish classrooms. These books are designed for the student. Generally were class notes, corrected and augmented. Since the 40s of the XIX century, textbooks began to create a new publishing market. The research focuses on which, under a variety of disciplines, normalized the study of aesthetics.
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Roviró Alemany, I. (2013). The first 50 textbooks of Aesthetics in Spain. Historia De La Educación, 32, 47–79. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ignasi Roviró Alemany

Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)
Departamento de Filosofía Práctica. Universitat Ramon Llull. Diputació 231, 08007. Barcelona. España.