The construction and creation of schools in Spain during the first third of the XX century


In the framework in the History of Teaching and of Schools —which has recently tended to be of interest in our country—, in this article we propose to study the use of building materials in creating new schools: sources of funding, the architectural models employed and the technical-pedagogical conditions demanded. On the other hand, we are not dropping the analysis of the figures for the creation of scools and its social repercussions for models of schooling. All this occurred during a fascinating period of Spain's history, the first third of the XX century, when the processes of social and economic modernisation were gradually growing in importance in an old-fashioned structure of schooling.
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López Martín, R. (2013). The construction and creation of schools in Spain during the first third of the XX century. Historia De La Educación, 16, 65–90. Retrieved from

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Ramón López Martín

Universidad de Valencia
Universidad de València. Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 30. 46010-Valencia-España