The Process of Confinement of Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Ordinary Schools due to COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis of its Impact and Future Needs of Learners and their Families

  • Cecilia Simón Rueda
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid cecilia.simon[at]
  • Margarita Cañadas Pérez
    Universidad Católica de Valencia. Centro de Atención Temprana “L’Alqueria”
  • M.ª Luz Fernández Blázquez
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Gerardo Echeita Sarrionandia
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The main objective of the study is to “give voice” to families who have children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to understand the impact on the teaching and learning process that confinement has generated because of COVID-19. To this end, 19 parents who have children with ASD from two autonomous communities have been voluntarily participating. All of them are in ordinary schools from kindergarten to higher education. Four focus groups have been developed as an information collection strategy. The results obtained show the support provided to their children by the school and how this support has contributed to their learning. Furthermore, they underline the difficulties that have limited the learning process, and also the social participation of their children as a fundamental dimension for families. These results also show the impact of the demands made by schools on family well-being, as well as their concerns regarding the incorporation of their children into the school. As will be shown, this situation has highlighted important factors in both policies and practices that are important for schools concerned with inclusion.
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Simón Rueda, C., Cañadas Pérez, M., Fernández Blázquez, M. L., & Echeita Sarrionandia, G. (2021). The Process of Confinement of Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Ordinary Schools due to COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis of its Impact and Future Needs of Learners and their Families. Siglo Cero, (1), 141–161.

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