Defining, diagnosing, classifying, and planning supports for people with intellectual disability: an emerging consensus

  • Robert L. Schalock
    Hastings College (Nebraska) rchalock[at]
  • Ruth Luckasson
    University of New Mexico
  • Marc J. Tassé
    The Ohio State University


Significant international work in the field of intellectual disability (ID) over the last decade has resulted in an emerging consensus regarding the definition of ID, the criteria used to diagnose a person with ID, the classification of individuals who have been diagnosed with ID, and the planning of individualized supports for people with ID. This article describes that emerging consensus
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Schalock, R. L., Luckasson, R., & Tassé, M. J. . (2021). Defining, diagnosing, classifying, and planning supports for people with intellectual disability: an emerging consensus. Siglo Cero, 52(3), 29–36.


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