Family Perspectives on the Parent-Child Experience of Intellectual Disability: A Phenomenological View

  • Laura Serrano Fernández
    Universidad Villanueva


Background: A review of the scientific literature has shown that having a child with a disability has a heterogeneous impact at the family level. Method: The present study aims to analyse in depth the experience of intellectual disability between parents and children. Due to the qualitative nature of the research, it was decided to stick to the phenomenological method approached from the interpretive hermeneutical perspective proposed by Heidegger. Data was collected through in-depth not-structured interviews conducted with 15 parents of 9 children with intellectual disabilities. Results: The results show that the experience of intellectual disability in family systems does not respond to a common pattern, despite being able to identify a series of central categories that allow the consideration of these experiences: “the first news and the impact of the diagnosis”; “the experience of disability from the heterogeneity of family structures”; “the processes of personal, family and social acceptance”; “the educational experience”, and “uncertainty about the future”. Conclusions: Research on how parents understand parenting of their children with disabilities is fundamental and strategic for the subsequent development and implementation of family-focused intervention programs.
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