Ambrosio Spínola: between the encrypting and espionaging during the reign of Philip III


This study aims to analyze the tactics used by Ambrosio Spínola in relation to the called secret diplomacy. All sovereign strategies intended to defend his own state were legitimated morally during the 16th century. For this reason, the development of encryted letters, informer networks and, in general, espionage grew exponentially. With the increasing use, these modes of communication or information became, in a brief time, essential for the exercise of the foreign policy of all modern European States. This process of legalization was extended to the training of soldiers and diplomats that included the methods referred to in the performance of their jobs. The encrypted use in communications was widespread within this new way of doing politics. So, the cryptography became the most valuable and effective system to prevent intercepted mails from revealing the letters' contents. Official and private networks of informers emerged similarly, which were integrated into the administration's organigram. With all this work aims to deepen in the mode of exchange of sensitive information between Spínola and the King, as well as the origin and significance of the agent's network managed by Ambrosio. Finally, it studies the Marquis Spinola’s use of these systems and their effect on the development of its political and military activity. 
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Author Biography

Asuncion Retortillo Atienza

Universidad de Burgos
C/ Picón de Baleza, 347195. Arroyo de la Encomienda. Valladolid