Echoes from the Indian Ocean. The Ottoman Campaigns of 1532 and 1538 against the Crown of Portugal through the Sources of Spanish Espionage in the Mediterranean Sea


As a consequence of the conflict with the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century, the Spanish Monarchy developed a spying service to obtain information on any political and military decision or action of its adversary that could affect its kingdoms across Hungary and the Mediterranean Sea. However, the spies also included in their reports news of other actions that did not directly affect their interests, occurring in areas far from their borders. This article has used these sources to examine two naval campaigns intended to confront the expansionism of the Crown of Portugal in the Indian Ocean, the first in 1532, which did not take place, and the second in 1538, which culminated in the siege of Diu. The aim was to complete the general picture provided by the historiography and chronicles of that period, especially with regard to the preparations for both expeditions. Furthermore, it has been considered the causes that explain the greater or lesser appearance of notices on this subject in the documentation analysed.
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