Demoniacs, Frauds or Ill. Discernment of Spirits in Reformed England Demonological Treatises (1580-1630)


Through an analysis of witchcraft treatises penned by Protestant theologians and ministers, this article studies the particularities of the discernment of spirits and its relations with the problem of spiritual possession in England between the end of the Sixteenth and the beginning of the Seventeenth century. In these documents, the suffering of the possessed were interpreted in three different ways: as the result of demonic infestation, as a natural illness, or as a fraud. In this way, the hypothesis is that English demonologists explicitly rejected the possibility of divine or angelic possession, something typically accepted by contemporaneous discernment paradigms. This negative could be considered as the byproduct of the way in which these authors understood broader theological issues, such as Providence and its relations with humankind, miracles, charisma, and sanctity. It could also be considered as a consequence of the inherently polemical nature of anti-witchcraft treatises.
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