Innocence and Holocaust in Edges of the Lord (2001) by Yurek Bogayevicz


Second World War is, undoubtedly, the most traumatic event of the 20th century. And within the War, the most unique and heart-breaking was the Shoah, the extermination of the Jews. The viewpoints that have been offered on this fact, be it from documentary cinema or fiction cinema, passing through uncountable cinema genres and styles, have been very diverse. This article addresses specifically the keys of the film Edges of the Lord by Yurek Bogayevicz, which offers a revealing and metaphorical account of the experiences of several children in occupied Poland and, therefore, of that brutal and inhuman world which arose under the wing of the extermination camps. Bogayevicz summarizes the depravity of the Nazi regime and the piercing effect it had to innocent youth.
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  • Métricas [consultado el 2-2-2016] [consultado el 2-2-2016]

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