Refugees and Assailants from the Sea: the Construction of Alien’s Image in The Suppliants of Aeschylus
Abstract This article analyzes the construction of the alien’s image in The Suppliants of Aeschylus. First, the foreigner excites curiosity and fascination, then he stirs up anxiety and rejection and he becomes ‘barbarian’, member of a culture uncivilized. Moreover, the author uses the look of the Other to describe apologetically his own culture and his own democracy. The analysis of the tragedy is useful to understand how we relate to other cultures and how we create the alien’s image even in the present.
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Finley, M. (1987). Problemi e metodi di storia antica, tr. it. Roma-Bari: Laterza.
Hall, E. (1989). Inventing the Barbarian. Greek Self-Definition through the Tragedy. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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Meier, C. (2002). Da Atene ad Auschwitz, tr. it. Bologna: Il Mulino.
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