Bread for Chapter Cathedral of Burgos (1754-1760). Ovens, Panadeo and Class Privilege


The Chapter Cathedral of Burgos considered, from 1754, it was possible to withdraw from the bread supply system according to the method of «obligación», implemented in the municipality by the Council and the Borbonic administration –with the «collaboration» of the neighbors of Arcos de la Llana and other surrounding villages–, and establish its own particular method of getting the food to the table of the Cathedral prebendaries. For his reason, and in the urban course of allowing the installation of particular ovens in the city in a more or less free way, the Chapter hired a baker, who subscribed an «Escriptura para dar abasto de pan al Cabildo». Furnaces installed at La Calera street, the experience, coinciding with logistics of other essential products –cocoa and chocolate, sheep, wine, oil, etcetera– controlled by the Chapter Bureau of the Cathedral, ended in failure because of the negligence of the bakers. In practice, this proposal had a lot of contestation against the govermment and in favour of capitulate autonomy increasingly threatened by de Borbonic State.
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Sanz De La Higuera, F. J. (2013). Bread for Chapter Cathedral of Burgos (1754-1760). Ovens, Panadeo and Class Privilege. El Futuro Del Pasado, 4, 389–420.


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