Educational policies and good practices with ICT in Andalusia region

  • Juan De Pablos Pons
    Universidad de Sevilla jpablos[at]
  • Pilar Colás Bravo
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • Patricia Villaciervos Moreno
    Universidad de Sevilla


This contribution is linked to a research project entitled "Education policies and their effects on regional educational innovation in the use of ICT in schools", which has been developed under the National Program Research and Development 2004-2007. The work is focused on discourse analysis about incorporating Andalusian ICT in the educational system. The study allows to understand the concepts involved in the same relation to good practice with ICT education with ICT innovation and ICT use, and to determine the main areas where the political intervention and incentive programs related to innovation and good practice with ICT.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
De Pablos Pons, J., Colás Bravo, P., & Villaciervos Moreno, P. (2010). Educational policies and good practices with ICT in Andalusia region. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 180–202.


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