The teacher training supported on virtual learning environment: swot application technique

  • Pilar Colás Bravo
    University of Seville pcolas[at]
  • Juan De Pablos Pons
    University of Seville


This article approaches a model of teacher training supported on the TICs potential as a virtual learning environment which makes interactive communication and center formation possible. This contribution specializes on the pedagogical use of the TICS for teacher training based on the model of center formation, cooperative learning, and on-line learning from a sociocultural perspective. This training model starts in the virtual creation of cooperative learning teaching communities as a base for the permanent teacher training. The  SWOT technique is shown and developed as a methodology for the planning, creation and on-line dynamism of techers' nets. These nets have as an objective to establish cooperative learning communities for the continuous training of teachers and the educational innovation in centers.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Colás Bravo, P., & De Pablos Pons, J. (2016). The teacher training supported on virtual learning environment: swot application technique. Education in The Knowledge Society, 5(1).


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Author Biographies

Pilar Colás Bravo

University of Seville
Educational Research, Evaluation and Technology Team

Juan De Pablos Pons

University of Seville
Educational Research, Evaluation and Technology Team