The Future of Pedagogy


This text poses various challenges for the elaboration of a Pedagogy adapted to the future. On the one hand, it critically questions that the principles of the New School are being collected and applied through alternative schools, of a private nature, leaving the pedagogical routine and methodological immobility for the public school. The author refers to what he calls the anti-pedagogues who are in favor of traditional tax methods and, on the other hand, the hyperpedagogues who are in favor of an education for freedom and for freedom. The text raises the need to return to a deep sense of Pedagogy, to a balance between educability and freedom. If we consider Pedagogy as knowledge for the creation of educational situations we are no longer in a confrontational opposition between authority and freedom, between limitation and whim. We are at the point of investigating the limitations that favor freedom, the fertile limitations. The text also raises the need for Pedagogy to move away from the immobile and unilateral approaches of scientism that forgets the difference between the truth of knowledge and the truth of human actions. Human actions are subject to a value orientation that comes from ends, not just from science. A pedagogy exclusively focused on technology, or the future development of neuroscience contributes decisively to pedagogical amnesia, to educators abandoning the need to train in the history of education and in the ethical assessment of the purposes of human formation and of democratic social coexistence. That is why the text proposes that the Pedagogy of the future should seek the development of educational spaces of resistance, spaces of deceleration, focused on the development of the student's attention, on the pleasure of learning and on practicing solidarity and the construction of the common.
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Meirieu, P. (2021). The Future of Pedagogy. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 34(1), 69–81.


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