Pedagogical Consequences of COVID-19 among Basic Education Students. A Reflection on the Great Forgotten ones of the Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic, which brought with it a long period of confinement and school closures, has dealt a severe blow to many vulnerable students. These students have had difficulty keeping up with school at home for various reasons, including pedagogical, economic and/or cultural ones. For this reason, the objective of this article is to decipher and analyze the impact and reality of the three educational gaps generated by the COVID-19: the learning gap, the digital gap and the school gap, in order to later develop a series of educational proposals to re-establish equity in the educational system. The loss of learning, the failure to acquire certain basic skills, the detachment from school and education, the increase in the dropout rate, emotional and psychological problems, ... are some of the consequences that students have suffered and are suffering. These consequences have fundamentally affected the most disadvantaged students, increasing the inequity of the educational system. Therefore, the implementation of educational policies aimed at mitigating these consequences and the implementation of pedagogical strategies to reengage students in learning, such as: modifying the curriculum - making it more flexible -; developing more motivating methodologies; establishing personalized teaching; promoting communication and co-responsibility between family and school; implementing emotional education programs; monitoring educational abandonment and tackling its causes, ..., are essential. The role of the teachers is also very important, as well as their personal qualities and their pedagogical approach. Learning from the mistakes made is a necessity, since new periods of confinement cannot be ruled out in the coming years.
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