Conceptual Construction of Global Competence in Education


Global competence as a learning objective has become relevant since its inclusion in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Such competence is built on different models of global education, such as intercultural education, global citizenship education and education for democratic citizenship. Despite the growing interest in this competence, there are several issues requiring deep reflection, such as: What is global competence? How has it been constructed? From which approaches are the discursive processes for its construction based? and What does intercultural education contribute to this construct? To answer these questions, this paper discusses the background, conceptualizations, approaches and theories on which the concept has been built. It has been found that the instrumentalist approach to social efficiency has predominated in the conceptualization, (at least as the underlying approach), as opposed to an approach of social re-constructionism that usually appears in the foreground and that on many occasions global competence and intercultural competence are used without distinction due to the importance that the latter has for global competence. Nonetheless, it can be noted that the trend at international level is to adopt the use of global competence as it is more comprehensive to face the challenges of globalization. Finally, it is highlighted that there are conceptual and measurement challenges and limitations that make difficult comparing the acquisition of this competence at an international and intercultural level and that therefore require more studies that systematically investigate the construction of the concept, its development and measurement.
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