Ghosts of School. Who you Gonna Call?


This article proposes a series of theoretical concepts that allow a better understanding of the past and future of schools by way of J. A. Comenius’ ideas regarding the subject matter, and by projecting its most important points that lead to the crisis that is currently underway. Furthermore, the article uses an approach that combines the works of previous poststructuralist and accelerationist authors. First, the article presents a diagnosis that illustrates how the old school technology resists as such in the face of the acceleration of new technologies of knowledge transmission and appropriation (be them digital or of artificial intelligence). This creates a nostalgia that tends to paralyze the school and to hinder any possibilities of it being reconciled with future projects. Moreover, the study shows how pedagogy harmfully insists on mandates and slogans that prove to be impotent in the face of the disengagement between the school technology that arose in the 17th century and those which operate in the 21st century. Secondly, the study finds how productive a phantasmagoric approach can be, whereby it encourages a negotiation between the old and the new under the strict condition that the Commenian pansophic ideal (all human knowledge for all human beings) that originally saw the school as a means to that end, is not resigned, but rather freed from that format as the only viable one and, therefore, proposing a progressive and achievable horizon in the face on the current crisis.
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