Network connections with other times, places and generations. Roger Scruton, traditions and education


In our days it is frequent to despise the value of  cultural, scientific and philosophical traditions because these link us to a time that has passed. Those who claim their value and the essential role they play in human life and education are disqualified as conservatives, falsely accused of trying to anchor subjects to a past that is no longer valid, as if they were enemies of progress, development and innovation. This article analyzes a different way of understanding tradition as is presented by renowned contemporary authors like R. Scruton, A. MacIntyre and R.S. Peters. For them, assuming traditions allows us to establish fruitful intentional networks with those who preceded us, with our contemporaries and with the unborn. According to the theoretical nature of this work, philosophical methodology is used: location of relevant sources; reading, critical and comparative analysis of texts; hermeneutic interpretation and elaboration of conclusions and proposals. This study denotes that following a tradition is an intentional behavior that contains in itself the principle of its own evolution. There are no individual traditions: they are shared by a human group and conform the common background of expectations of society. Furthermore, traditions are plural and each culture is characterized by a central current that has passed the test of time and serves as a model and as a source of inspiration for those who live in the present. Traditions play an essential role in education, especially regarding its socializing function. Assuming the value of a traditions is not opposed to progress, but rather empowers it, by establishing intentional networks between past, present and future members of society.
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