Overcoming School Learning: The Role of the Subjectivity in the Funds of Identity Approach


Learning occurs when the learner becomes the subject of his own learning in both formal and informal contexts. The subjectivity theory of González Rey, which starts from a historical-cultural approach, affirms that this process is guided by emotion, imagination and creativity, which in turn promotes subjective development. However, traditional learning activities have ignored the apprentice as a subject. Projects based on funds of identity favor the development of new ways to recognize the learner by encouraging new ways of exchanging learning experiences inside and outside the school. Identity funds are thus built as spaces where interests, hobbies and experiences are recognized by young people as important resources to stimulate their academic performance. Specifically, subjectivity allows the learner to become a subject from the production of his own processes of subjectivation through dialogic and comprehensive practice. The main objective of this article is to go one step further in relation to identity funds by illustrating a series of educational experiences that help identify and mobilize these funds through the development of subjectivity. These subjective identity funds are integral to educators in order to favor reflective positions in students who are moving towards the generation of new processes of subjectivation. Lead meeting spaces between identity funds and subjectivity suggest a relevant way to move towards higher levels of significance and meaning on the part of young people in 21st century education.
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