Pedagogical understanding and educational relationship building. A narrative inquiry


This paper is written trying to place the educational relationship in the centre of the educational process, given that it shapes lived experience at school and, therefore, makes possible curriculum making. From phenomenological and feminist studies, we understand that the educational relationship is built through pedagogical understanding, it means, a movement of reception and accompaniment. The purpose of the study is to delve into the nature of educational relationship, pedagogical understanding and their role on educational relationship building. To this effect, from a narrative inquiry framework, and through hermeneutic conversations, we try to know the experience of a teacher and one of her students. A cross analysis of their stories allows us to think about three places where pedagogical understanding and educational relationship are articulated: listening, acceptance and willingness
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Martín-Alonso, D., Blanco, N., & Sierra, J. E. (2019). Pedagogical understanding and educational relationship building. A narrative inquiry. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 31(1), 103–122.


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