Is education changing? A reflection on the function and meaning of school for everyone

  • Roberto Sanz Ponce
    Universidad Católica de Valencia roberto.sanz[at]
  • Ángela Serrano Sarmiento
    Universidad Católica de Valencia


In this article, the authors make a reflection on the function and meaning of current school. They analyze the approaches from the significant institutions and pedagogues –UNESCO, Nussbaum, Perrenoud, Robinsson, Morin and Gardner– focusing on the current educational crisis or how educating today. From a capabilities perspective, the authors, they emphasized on the need to educate the person from reality and its context, giving a new approach to educational curriculum from a more inclusive approach. Thus the authors suggest the importance of a humanist education focused on the reality of students, with an educational model that responds to the reality of what school is able to do. An education based on a model that gives importance to formation and not only to instruct. This article also presents conclusions about educational practice as the teacher’s role, the teacher-student relationship, the classroom atmosphere, attention to diversity or methodologies; transversal topics when you need to give new meaning to the act of educating.
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Sanz Ponce, R., & Serrano Sarmiento, Ángela. (2017). Is education changing? A reflection on the function and meaning of school for everyone. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 29(2), 167–184.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Sanz Ponce

Universidad Católica de Valencia
Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación. C/ Sagrado Corazón, 5. 46110 Godella (Valencia)

Ángela Serrano Sarmiento

Universidad Católica de Valencia
Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación. C/ Sagrado Corazón, 5. 46110 Godella (Valencia)