The problem of the authority in family facing the challenge of social networks


The current article clarifies how the exercise of authority as a whole, particularly in the education of children in their family, is in a historical crisis that has developed over the past few years. To a large extent this is because the formative parental figure has lost its own capacity. In connection with this idea, it is significant the influence of globalization and customs which have become common in many homes, more specifically, as a consequence of children’s universal access to social networks. Given this reality, this paper analyzes, from a philosophical and educational perspective, the best way through which parents can recover and strengthen their educational authority. This authority can also be achieved through the use and access to social networks, contributing in this manner to the raise of children with an emotional ba­lance and personal development, necessary for their development in life.
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Author Biography

Miguel Rumayor

Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, México
Profesor Titular de Filosofía de la Educación