Understanding roma «practices». Prompting educational research to surpass «what is the case» to «what needs to be done»


Generally, Roma people are viewed as being very different from those in mainstream society. The aim of this article is twofold. First, it explores these differences and attempts to make sense of the social practices of the Roma. To achieve this, the theoretical framework of meaning and social practices provided by Wittgenstein, Winch and others is applied to this subculture. Secondly, this «extreme case» stretches the theoretical framework to its limits, but it is argued that it is nevertheless possible to give expression to this far-reaching experience of difference. The Wittgensteinian notion of «knowing how to go on» prompts educational research to surpass «what is the case» and get to «what needs to be done». By means of empirical examples taken from research into the education of Roma children, we argue for the need to take this further step. Answers are provided as to «how to go on» with regard to the case investigated, and the feasibilities and constraints of both the theoretical framework and educational research are explored.
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Author Biographies

Elias Hemelsoet

Ghent University
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Dunantlaan 2. 9000 Gent.

Paul Smeyers

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Dunantlaan 2. 9000 Gent.