Reading and literary training in multicultural contexts. An inclusive educative perspective


This article exposes the potential of reading and literary education in multicultural and multilingual contexts, as well as, recommend its importance not only on the acquisition and development in stable reading habits, but as an essential foundation for the construction of much more equal and democratic societies. Directly opposed to a great numbers of pessimistic voices that alert about the dangers in the increasing migratory movements, and their consequences as migrating students in all the different levels at Spanish schools in the country. Researchers stand for the possibilities of literature and reading didactics in the development and consolidation of reading, literary and intercultural competences, and therefore, in this sense, reveal the magnitude of the literary text from an educative and inclusive perspective that allows the construction of the citizenship. 
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Author Biographies

Josep Ballester Roca

Universitat de València
Universitad de Valencia. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Facultad de Magisterio. Avenida Tarongers, 4. 46022 Valencia. España.

Noelia Ibarra Ruis

Universitat de València
Universitad de Valencia. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Facultad de Magisterio. Avenida Tarongers, 4. 46022 Valencia. España.