Metaphor and education. The power of the horticultural metaphor in the educational thought of Célestin Freinet


This article tries to understand, following Daniel Hameline and Nanine Charbonnel, why in education we cannot escape the presence and the function that metaphor plays inside the texts and the pedagogical and educational discourses. In this context, the author presents and analyses the educational works of Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) under the influence of the studies on metaphor by Danile Hameline, Nanine Charbonnel and Paul Ricoeur, having as an objective enhancing the relevancy of the horticultural metaphor in the pedagogical and educational dimension. The author also discusses, as does Paul Ricœur, whether the metaphor, especially the horticultural metaphor, will nor postulate an opening to the symbol, and in this case of the horticultural metaphor, whether that opening would be to the vegetal symbol and, therefore, which are the pedagogical teachings of the horticultural metaphor, as well as of the metaphor in general.
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Author Biography

Alberto Filipe Araújo

Universidade do Minho
Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação. Campus de Gualtar. 4710-057 Braga, (Portugal)