The hypothesis of postmodern pedagogy. Education, truth and relativism


This article proposes to recover the debate on the postmodern pedagogy with a double aim. On the one hand, contribute to clarify and make more coherent the conceptual order on pedagogy in relation to Postmodernism. On the other, clearing the way for the real possibilities of what might be or are being, educational theories and practices constitutive of a postmodern pedagogy. The research was conducted through the hermeneutic of philosophical and pedagogical texts. First, the postmodern is presented in the epistemological level and clarifying his relation to different types of relativism. Second, we discuss and defend the possibility and the existence of a postmodern pedagogy taking into a special account the question of the normativity. Thirdly, we develop the arguments that, from a hermeneutic and pragmatist view, relativism offered as educational trend. In this part we offer an integration of postfoundationalism and other postmodern principles in educational thinking and suggests some lines to develop in the future. Finally, we conclude with a synthesis of the outcomes and their implications for pedagogy and educational theory.
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Laudo Castillo, X. (2012). The hypothesis of postmodern pedagogy. Education, truth and relativism. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 23(2), 45–68.


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Author Biography

Xavier Laudo Castillo

Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Pedagogía. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. C/ Passeig Vall d’Hebron, 171. de. Llevant. 08035 Barcelona (España)