Contribution of the Theory of Constructed Emotion in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Abstract Constructed emotion theory focuses on the importance of early experiences in the constructions of emotions and in the meanings each person attributes to them. In this approach, school plays a leading role in emotional development. It is believed that both to prevent possible imbalances through a favorable classroom environment and that it transforms the emotions that interfere with development and learning. Emotionally competent teachers are essential for encouraging this emotional adjustment at school. The aim of this paper is to offer a framework for understanding constructed emotion theory to guide teacher training, to promote a paradigm in emotional matters in the classroom. To do so, a literature review was performed, the analysis of which is presented through constructed emotion theory´s basic lines, and which highlight people´s active participation in each of their emotional experiences. These approaches are then analyzed from the educational viewpoint that, as they are intended for the field of teacher training, they take shape in preparing teachers to take responsibility for their own emotions, developing an in-depth understanding of the processes involved in the construction of emotions with a broad and precise emotional language, and in knowing how to increase with it certain emotional processes. Preparing teachers to maintain affective adjustment in their professional practice will not only contribute to their emotional well-being, but will also be reflected in the relationships they establish with their students and in the environment, they create in the classroom. Therefore, the rationale for emotional teacher development programs be reviewed
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Aspelin, J. & Jonsson, A. (2019). Relational competence in teacher education. Concept analysis and report from a pilot study. Teacher Development
Atzil, S. & Gendron, M. (2017). Bio-behavioral synchrony promotes the development of conceptualized emotions. Current Opinion in Psychol. 17,162-169.
Aviezer, H., Hassin, R. R., Ryan, J., Grady, C., Susskind, J., Anderson, A., Moscovitch, M., & Bentin, S. (2008). Angry, disgusted, or afraid? Studies on the malleability of emotion perception. Psychological science, 19(7), 724–732.
Balaban, M. T. & Waxman, S. R. (1997). ¿Do words facilitate object categorization in 9-month-old infants? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 64(1), 3-26.
Barrett, L.F. (2009). Variety is the spice of life: A psychological construction approach to understanding variability in emotion. Cognition and Emotion, 23(7), 1284-1306.
Barrett, L.F. (2017). The theory of constructed emotion: An active inference account of interoception and categorization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(1), 1– 23.
Barrett, L. F. (2018). La vida secreta del cerebro: Cómo se construyen las emociones. (1ª ed.) Paidós.
Barrett, L. F. (2021). Siete lecciones y media sobre el cerebro. (1ª ed.). Paidós.
Barrett, L. F. & Finlay, B.L. (2018). Concepts, goals and the control of survival-related behaviors. Current Opinion in the Behavioral Sciences, 24, 172–179.
Barrett, L. F., Gross, J., Conner, T. & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you´re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotions, 15, 713-724.
Belli, S. (2009). La construcción de una emoción y su relación con el lenguaje: revisión y discusión de un área importante de las ciencias sociales. Theoria, 18(2), 15-42.
Bisquerra, R. (2009). Psicopedagogía de las emociones. Editorial Síntesis.
Boiger M., Güngör D., Karasawa M. & Mesquita, B. (2014). Defending honour, keeping face: Interpersonal affordances of anger and shame in Turkey and Japan. Cognition and Emotion, 28(7),1255-1269.
Braicovich, R. S. (2023). Críticas construccionistas a la tesis de las Emociones Básicas. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 21(1), 16-32.
Breton, D. L. (2012). Por una antropología de las emociones. Revista Latinoamericana de estudios sobre cuerpos, emociones y sociedad. 10(4), 69-79.
Brooks, J. A., Shablack, H., Gendron, M., Satpute, A. B., Parrish, M. H., y Lindquist, K. A. (2017). The role of language in the experience and perception of emotion: a neuroimaging meta-analysis. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(2), 169-183.
Campayo-Julve, R. y Sánchez-Gómez, M. (2020). Inteligencia emocional en maestros de educación primaria: Una propuesta práctica para su desarrollo. Edetania. Estudios y Propuestas Socioeducativos. 58, 55–78.
Camras L. A., Oster, H., Ujiie, T., Campos,J. J., Bakeman, R., & Meng, Z. (2007). Do infants show distinct negative facial expressions for fear and anger? Emotional expression in 11-Month-Old European American, Chinese, and Japanese infants. Infancy, 11, (2), 131-155.
Castellanos, N., (2023). El espejo del cerebro. (10ª ed.). La Huerta Grande Editorial.
Chóliz, M. (1995). La expresión de las emociones en la obra de Darwin. En F. Tortosa, Civera y C. Calatayud (Ed.), Prácticas de Historia de la Psicología. Promolibro.
Corcoran, R. P. & O'Flaherty, J. (2022). Social and emotional learning in teacher preparation: Pre-service teacher well-being, Teaching and Teacher Education, 110.
Crivelli, C., Jarillo, S., Russell, J. A. & Fernández-Dols, J. M. (2016). Reading emotions from faces in two indigenous societies. Journal of Experimental Psychology 145(7), 830–843.
Domitrovich, C. E., Harris, A. R., Syvertsen, A. K., Morgan, N., Jacobson, L., Cleveland, M., Moore, J. E., & Greenberg, M. T. (2022). Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in Middle School: Intervention Effects of Facing History and Ourselves. Journal of youth and adolescence, 51(7), 1426-1441.
Dowling, K., & Barry, M. M. (2020). Evaluating the Implementation Quality of a Social and Emotional Learning Program: A Mixed Methods Approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(9), 3249.
Ekman, P. (1997). Should we call it expression or communication? Innovation, 10 (4), 333-344.
Ekman, P. (2018). El rostro de las emociones. Cómo leer las expresiones faciales para mejorar sus relaciones. (4ª ed.). RBA.
Ekman, P., Rolls, E., Perrett, D., & Ellis, H. (1992). Facial Expressions of Emotion: An old controversy and new findings [and Discussion]. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 335(1273), 63-69.
El-Dakhs, D. A. S. & Altarriba, J. (2019). How do emotion word type and valence influence language processing? The case of Arabic-English bilinguals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(5), 1063–1085.
Estola, E. & Elbaz-Luwisch, F. (2003). Teaching bodies at work. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(6), 697-719.
Evans, R., Scourfield, J., Murphy, S. (2015). The unintended consequences of targeting: Young people's lived experiences of social and emotional learning interventions. British Educational Research Journal, 41(3), 381–397.
Feldman, L. A. (1995). Valence focus and arousal focus: Individual differences in the structure of affective experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 153–166.
Gendron, M. (2017). Revisiting diversity: cultural variation reveals the constructed nature of emotion perception. Current Opinion in Psychology, 17, 145-150.
Gendron, M., Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A. N., Mangola, S. M., Ruark, G. A., & Barrett, L. F. (2020). Emotion perception in hadza hunter-gatherers. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 10(1).
Gilar-Corbí, R., Pozo-Rico, M., Pertegal-Felices y Sánchez, B. (2018). Emotional intelligence training intervention among trainee teachers: a quasi-experimental study. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica.
Gonzáles-Arias, M. (2023). Evolución del concepto de emoción en el contexto científico: Desde la biología y la cultura, hasta el construccionismo psicológico. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, 33(2), 264-286.
Grosse, G., Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser, C. & Saalbach, H. (2021). Let’s talk about emotions: the development of children’s emotion vocabulary from 4 to 11 years of age. Affective Science 2, 150–162.
Gündem, D., Potočnik, J., De Winter, F.L., El Kaddouri, A., Stam, D., Peeters, R., Emsell, L., Sunaert, S., Van Oudenhove, L., Vandenbulcke, M., Barrett, L. F. & Van den Stock. J. (2022). The neurobiological basis of affect is consistent with psychological construction theory and shares a common neural basis across emotional categories. Communications Biology, 5, 1354.
Hoemann, K., Xu, F. & Barrett, L. F. (2019). Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental Psychology, 55(9), 1830–1849.
Hoffmann, J. D., Brackett, M. A., Bailey, C. S. & Willner, C. J. (2020). Teaching emotion regulation in schools: Translating research into practice with the RULER approach to social and emotional learning. Emotion, 20(1), 105-109.
Jack, R., Garrod O., Yu, H., Caldara, R. & Schyns, F. (2012). Facial Expressions of Emotion Are Not Culturally Universal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(19), 7241-7244
Katsumi, Y., Theriault, J. E., Karen S. Quigley, K. S., & Barrett, L. F. (2022). Allostasis as a core feature of hierarchical gradients in the human brain. Network Neuroscience, 6(4), 1010–1031.
Leperski, K.-G. (2017). El paradigma de las emociones básicas y su investigación. Hacia la construcción de una crítica. IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXIV Jornadas de Investigación XIII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Lindquist, K., MacCormack, J. & Shablack, H. (2015). The role of language in emotion: predictions from psychological constructionism. Hypothesis and theory, 6(444), 1-17.
Loaiza, J. (2022). Controversias en torno a los conceptos cotidianos y conceptos científicos de emoción. Ideas y Valores, 71(8), 192-217.
Macazaga, A. M., Vaquero, A. y Gómez, A. (2013). El registro de la emoción en el cuerpo, autoconocimiento y formación del profesorado. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 16(2), 135-145.
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Palomera, R., Briones, E., & Gómez-Linares, A. (2019). Formación en valores y competencias socioemocionales para docentes tras una década de innovación. Praxis & Saber, 10(24), 93-117.
Perszyk, D. R. & Waxman, S. R. (2018). Linking language and cognition in infancy. Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 231–250.
Pertegal-Felices, M. L., Marcos-Jorquera, D., Gilar-Corbí, R. & Jimeno-Morenilla, A. (2017). Development of emotional skills through interdisciplinary practices integrated into a university curriculum. Education Research International.
Poblete-Christie, O., & Bächler Silva, R. (2022). ¿Emociones sin fenomenología? Reflexión sobre las investigaciones en emociones de profesores. Estudios Pedagógicos, 48(4), 247–264.
Poblete-Christie, O., Cornejo, R, Bächler, R. y López, M. (2024). Sensaciones y significados: cara y contracara de las emociones de profesoras chilenas en aula. Márgenes, Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga, 5(1), 36-54.
Poblete-Christie, O., López, M. y Muñoz, L. (2019). ¿De la Frustración a la Alegría o de la Alegría a la Frustración? Significados Sobre Inclusión Educativa Construidos por Docentes a Partir de su Experiencia Emocional. Psykhe, 28(1), 1-14.
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Aviezer, H., Hassin, R. R., Ryan, J., Grady, C., Susskind, J., Anderson, A., Moscovitch, M., & Bentin, S. (2008). Angry, disgusted, or afraid? Studies on the malleability of emotion perception. Psychological science, 19(7), 724–732.
Balaban, M. T. & Waxman, S. R. (1997). ¿Do words facilitate object categorization in 9-month-old infants? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 64(1), 3-26.
Barrett, L.F. (2009). Variety is the spice of life: A psychological construction approach to understanding variability in emotion. Cognition and Emotion, 23(7), 1284-1306.
Barrett, L.F. (2017). The theory of constructed emotion: An active inference account of interoception and categorization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(1), 1– 23.
Barrett, L. F. (2018). La vida secreta del cerebro: Cómo se construyen las emociones. (1ª ed.) Paidós.
Barrett, L. F. (2021). Siete lecciones y media sobre el cerebro. (1ª ed.). Paidós.
Barrett, L. F. & Finlay, B.L. (2018). Concepts, goals and the control of survival-related behaviors. Current Opinion in the Behavioral Sciences, 24, 172–179.
Barrett, L. F., Gross, J., Conner, T. & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you´re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotions, 15, 713-724.
Belli, S. (2009). La construcción de una emoción y su relación con el lenguaje: revisión y discusión de un área importante de las ciencias sociales. Theoria, 18(2), 15-42.
Bisquerra, R. (2009). Psicopedagogía de las emociones. Editorial Síntesis.
Boiger M., Güngör D., Karasawa M. & Mesquita, B. (2014). Defending honour, keeping face: Interpersonal affordances of anger and shame in Turkey and Japan. Cognition and Emotion, 28(7),1255-1269.
Braicovich, R. S. (2023). Críticas construccionistas a la tesis de las Emociones Básicas. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 21(1), 16-32.
Breton, D. L. (2012). Por una antropología de las emociones. Revista Latinoamericana de estudios sobre cuerpos, emociones y sociedad. 10(4), 69-79.
Brooks, J. A., Shablack, H., Gendron, M., Satpute, A. B., Parrish, M. H., y Lindquist, K. A. (2017). The role of language in the experience and perception of emotion: a neuroimaging meta-analysis. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(2), 169-183.
Campayo-Julve, R. y Sánchez-Gómez, M. (2020). Inteligencia emocional en maestros de educación primaria: Una propuesta práctica para su desarrollo. Edetania. Estudios y Propuestas Socioeducativos. 58, 55–78.
Camras L. A., Oster, H., Ujiie, T., Campos,J. J., Bakeman, R., & Meng, Z. (2007). Do infants show distinct negative facial expressions for fear and anger? Emotional expression in 11-Month-Old European American, Chinese, and Japanese infants. Infancy, 11, (2), 131-155.
Castellanos, N., (2023). El espejo del cerebro. (10ª ed.). La Huerta Grande Editorial.
Chóliz, M. (1995). La expresión de las emociones en la obra de Darwin. En F. Tortosa, Civera y C. Calatayud (Ed.), Prácticas de Historia de la Psicología. Promolibro.
Corcoran, R. P. & O'Flaherty, J. (2022). Social and emotional learning in teacher preparation: Pre-service teacher well-being, Teaching and Teacher Education, 110.
Crivelli, C., Jarillo, S., Russell, J. A. & Fernández-Dols, J. M. (2016). Reading emotions from faces in two indigenous societies. Journal of Experimental Psychology 145(7), 830–843.
Domitrovich, C. E., Harris, A. R., Syvertsen, A. K., Morgan, N., Jacobson, L., Cleveland, M., Moore, J. E., & Greenberg, M. T. (2022). Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in Middle School: Intervention Effects of Facing History and Ourselves. Journal of youth and adolescence, 51(7), 1426-1441.
Dowling, K., & Barry, M. M. (2020). Evaluating the Implementation Quality of a Social and Emotional Learning Program: A Mixed Methods Approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(9), 3249.
Ekman, P. (1997). Should we call it expression or communication? Innovation, 10 (4), 333-344.
Ekman, P. (2018). El rostro de las emociones. Cómo leer las expresiones faciales para mejorar sus relaciones. (4ª ed.). RBA.
Ekman, P., Rolls, E., Perrett, D., & Ellis, H. (1992). Facial Expressions of Emotion: An old controversy and new findings [and Discussion]. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 335(1273), 63-69.
El-Dakhs, D. A. S. & Altarriba, J. (2019). How do emotion word type and valence influence language processing? The case of Arabic-English bilinguals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(5), 1063–1085.
Estola, E. & Elbaz-Luwisch, F. (2003). Teaching bodies at work. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(6), 697-719.
Evans, R., Scourfield, J., Murphy, S. (2015). The unintended consequences of targeting: Young people's lived experiences of social and emotional learning interventions. British Educational Research Journal, 41(3), 381–397.
Feldman, L. A. (1995). Valence focus and arousal focus: Individual differences in the structure of affective experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 153–166.
Gendron, M. (2017). Revisiting diversity: cultural variation reveals the constructed nature of emotion perception. Current Opinion in Psychology, 17, 145-150.
Gendron, M., Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A. N., Mangola, S. M., Ruark, G. A., & Barrett, L. F. (2020). Emotion perception in hadza hunter-gatherers. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 10(1).
Gilar-Corbí, R., Pozo-Rico, M., Pertegal-Felices y Sánchez, B. (2018). Emotional intelligence training intervention among trainee teachers: a quasi-experimental study. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica.
Gonzáles-Arias, M. (2023). Evolución del concepto de emoción en el contexto científico: Desde la biología y la cultura, hasta el construccionismo psicológico. Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura, 33(2), 264-286.
Grosse, G., Streubel, B., Gunzenhauser, C. & Saalbach, H. (2021). Let’s talk about emotions: the development of children’s emotion vocabulary from 4 to 11 years of age. Affective Science 2, 150–162.
Gündem, D., Potočnik, J., De Winter, F.L., El Kaddouri, A., Stam, D., Peeters, R., Emsell, L., Sunaert, S., Van Oudenhove, L., Vandenbulcke, M., Barrett, L. F. & Van den Stock. J. (2022). The neurobiological basis of affect is consistent with psychological construction theory and shares a common neural basis across emotional categories. Communications Biology, 5, 1354.
Hoemann, K., Xu, F. & Barrett, L. F. (2019). Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental Psychology, 55(9), 1830–1849.
Hoffmann, J. D., Brackett, M. A., Bailey, C. S. & Willner, C. J. (2020). Teaching emotion regulation in schools: Translating research into practice with the RULER approach to social and emotional learning. Emotion, 20(1), 105-109.
Jack, R., Garrod O., Yu, H., Caldara, R. & Schyns, F. (2012). Facial Expressions of Emotion Are Not Culturally Universal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(19), 7241-7244
Katsumi, Y., Theriault, J. E., Karen S. Quigley, K. S., & Barrett, L. F. (2022). Allostasis as a core feature of hierarchical gradients in the human brain. Network Neuroscience, 6(4), 1010–1031.
Leperski, K.-G. (2017). El paradigma de las emociones básicas y su investigación. Hacia la construcción de una crítica. IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXIV Jornadas de Investigación XIII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Lindquist, K., MacCormack, J. & Shablack, H. (2015). The role of language in emotion: predictions from psychological constructionism. Hypothesis and theory, 6(444), 1-17.
Loaiza, J. (2022). Controversias en torno a los conceptos cotidianos y conceptos científicos de emoción. Ideas y Valores, 71(8), 192-217.
Macazaga, A. M., Vaquero, A. y Gómez, A. (2013). El registro de la emoción en el cuerpo, autoconocimiento y formación del profesorado. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 16(2), 135-145.
Matsumoto, D. R., Frank, M. G. & Hwang, H. S. (2013). Nonverbal Communication: Science and Applications. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Niedenthal, P., Mermillod, M., Maringer, M. & Hess, U. (2010). The Simulation of Smiles (SIMS) model: Embodied simulation and the meaning of facial expression. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(6), 417–433.
Nordenbo, S. E., Larsen, S., Tiftikiçi, N., Wendt, R. E., Østergaard, S. (2008). Teacher competences and pupil achievement in pre-school and school. A systematic review carried out for the Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo. In: Evidence base. Copenhagen: Danish Clearinghouse for Educational Research.
Ohira, H. (2020). Predictive processing of interoception, decision-making, and allostasis: A computational framework and implications for emotional intelligence. Psihologijske teme, 29 (1), 1-16.
Palomera, R., Briones, E., & Gómez-Linares, A. (2019). Formación en valores y competencias socioemocionales para docentes tras una década de innovación. Praxis & Saber, 10(24), 93-117.
Perszyk, D. R. & Waxman, S. R. (2018). Linking language and cognition in infancy. Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 231–250.
Pertegal-Felices, M. L., Marcos-Jorquera, D., Gilar-Corbí, R. & Jimeno-Morenilla, A. (2017). Development of emotional skills through interdisciplinary practices integrated into a university curriculum. Education Research International.
Poblete-Christie, O., & Bächler Silva, R. (2022). ¿Emociones sin fenomenología? Reflexión sobre las investigaciones en emociones de profesores. Estudios Pedagógicos, 48(4), 247–264.
Poblete-Christie, O., Cornejo, R, Bächler, R. y López, M. (2024). Sensaciones y significados: cara y contracara de las emociones de profesoras chilenas en aula. Márgenes, Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga, 5(1), 36-54.
Poblete-Christie, O., López, M. y Muñoz, L. (2019). ¿De la Frustración a la Alegría o de la Alegría a la Frustración? Significados Sobre Inclusión Educativa Construidos por Docentes a Partir de su Experiencia Emocional. Psykhe, 28(1), 1-14.
Ruba, A. L., Pollak, S. D. & Saffran, J. R., (2022). Acquiring Complex Communicative Systems: Statistical Learning of Language and Emotion. Topics in Cognitive Science.
Russell, J. A., Bachorowski, J. A. & Fernandez-Dols, J. M. (2003). Facial and vocal expressions of emotion. Annual review of psychology, 54, 329–349.
Sabol, T. J. & Pianta, R. C. (2012). Recent trends in research on teacher-child relationships. Attachment & Human Development, 14(3), 213-231.
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