Prosocial Behaviors and School Violence in Adolescence: A Systematic Review with a Qualitative Approach


School violence is one of the biggest social problems within the educational context, due to the increase in cases of youth bullying in recent years. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between school violence and prosocial behaviors with the aim of identifying whether prosocial behaviors act as a moderating factor of school violence. On the other hand, a qualitative analysis of the results obtained will be carried out to know the relationship between the variables to be studied. A systematic review of the existing literature from the Web of Science, Scopus, PsyCINFO and ERIC databases has been carried out using search formulas. For the selection of the studies, certain eligibility criteria were taken into account, such as the fact that the publication was a journal article from the last five years, the language was Spanish or English, and that the sample was made up of neurotypical adolescents. The results found indicate that certain factors such as emotions, satisfaction with life, empathy, family support or the use of appropriate educational strategies reduce the use of violent behavior in adolescents. Therefore, it can be pointed out that adolescents who carry out prosocial behaviors tend to present fewer situations of violence with their peers. Based on the qualitative analysis, the relationships and co-occurrences between the different variables have been examined, thus adding a series of quotes extracted from the selected articles. It is discussed how it is essential to establish action strategies with adolescent students to enhance their prosocial behavior.
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