Misplaces of The Contemporary University Education


To misplace is to lose something or not to know or forget where it is, also to say of a person who loses his way or orientation and a disorder of customs. In the contemporary university some losses can be observed, at least, in terms of the education that it offers. They are not just any forgetfulness, they should not be overlooked, they are important and deserve reflection. It can be said, as is so often done, that the university education of recent years is being reinvented, that it has entered a process of innovation and that it is adapting to the current times. It's good that it is, but that doesn't negate that at the same time she's been forgetting some of her essential functions and characteristics along the way and therefore losing herself. If something bad can happen to a university education, it is that it ceases to be what it is called to be. This article focuses on four losses of the university today, namely: that students are dependent people of the university; whereas university teaching staff are a transmitter of knowledge; that there are particular and concrete contents that the student must learn by himself; and, finally, that university pedagogy should serve to promote a life of study. College education can be carried out in many ways, but not in every way one can imagine. Without the issues that have just been pointed out, the university education that happens is weak and without substance, a reduced and simple version, in short, it is advisable to recover that forgetfulness and put them into practice.  
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