Learning in university and dual process theory of reasoning


In this paper, I argue that there are relationships between two kinds of learning, associative learning and comprensive learning, and the two reasoning systems described by dual process theory. Specifically, I try to show that associative learning is linked to System 1 and comprehensive learning is related to System 2. At the same time, I review critically the Pérez, Soto, Sola and Serván (2009)’s thesis in favour of the development of comprehensive learning, and, therefore, of System 2, and of the minimization of associative learning, and, therefore, of the System 1. In my opinion, associative learning (System 1) is necessary for human knowledge and, for this reason, I conclude that it should be analyzed through comprehensive learning (System 2), but not rejected.
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López Astorga, M. (2014). Learning in university and dual process theory of reasoning. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 25(2), 231–246. https://doi.org/10.14201/11585


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Author Biography

Miguel López Astorga

Universidad de Talca
Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos «Juan Ignacio Molina». Av. Lircay, s/n. Talca (Chile)