Work, school and fun. The utopia of Pinocchio

  • Joaquim Machado De Araujo
    Universidad católica Portuguesa jomachado[at]
  • Alberto Filipe Araujo
    Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação


The Adventures of Pinocchio tell the Story of a Toy in a transition from the state of nature to the state of culture, of someone who develops himself morally from heteronomy to autonomy. In his development, he experiences the disenchantment of the miracle of the money multiplication without work and the utopia of a fun land, the dream of any child. He reduces himself to the condition of an animal. The metaphor of the monkey to which he is faced when he is not succeeded in school is brought to the life of the animated toy. The cultural perspective on the consequences of the delay in maintaining a state of nature becomes a reality to the one who has run away from school at first. Then the one who has idleness has a goal turns to be a serious concern. At least the one who has work and self-directed learning as main aims is a relevant turning point to this tale.
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Machado De Araujo, J., & Araujo, A. F. (2013). Work, school and fun. The utopia of Pinocchio. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 24(1), 41–55.


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Author Biographies

Joaquim Machado De Araujo

Universidad católica Portuguesa
Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia (Campus da Foz). Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327. 4169-005 Porto-(Portugal)

Alberto Filipe Araujo

Universidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação
Campus de Gualtar. 4710-057 Braga-(Portugal)