Pedagogías salvajes: nuevas concepciones para una ontología relacional en educación
Resumen El concepto de ‘Pedagogías salvajes’ parece un oxímoron a primera vista. Quizás porque en Pedagogía hemos heredado cierta preferencia por lo cultivado, lo planificado, lo civilizado y lo domesticado, no es de extrañar que nuestras percepciones entren en conflicto con lo indómito o incluso con lo espontáneo, que son algunos de los atributos con que hemos definido a lo “salvaje” como un símil de lo que también yace falto de educación. Sin embargo, acotando entre un total de seis bases de datos (Education Resourcer Information Center (ERIC), Dialnet, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Scielo y ProQuest), se pudo comprobar que los vínculos entre la Pedagogía y lo salvaje se han actualizado recientemente en Educación Ambiental a partir del concepto de “Wild Pedagogies”. Una forma que emerge entre la literatura de Ciencias Sociales en inglés y que busca dar protagonismo a otras voces más-que-humanas para romper así con los estereotipos que han sido promovidos por las culturas occidentales y el statu quo en cuanto a la instrumentalización de la naturaleza en tiempos de paradigmas con predominancia antropocéntrica. Con ello, sus bases relacionales priorizan enfoques menos centrados en el ser humano y dicen dar paso a nuevas ontologías en educación. Este trabajo se sitúa dentro de la contextura educativo-ambiental que le da cobijo y significación teórica al término originario, además de ser una propuesta de reflexión para la Teoría de la educación como un análisis bibliográfico que converge con el nicho de reflexiones que se extraen de las que son sus seis piedras angulares hasta el año 2022: (#1) Co-profesor; (#2) La complejidad, lo desconocido y la espontaneidad; (#3) Localización de lo salvaje; (#4) Tiempo y práctica; (#5) Cambio socio-cultural; (#6) Construyendo alianzas y Comunidad Humana; y hasta el año 2024: (#7) Aprender a amar, cuidar y ser compasivo; y (#8) Ampliar la imaginación.
- Referencias
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Aikens, K. (2021). Imagining a wilder policy future through interstitial tactics. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 269-290.
Beavington, L., Beeman, C., Blenkinsop, S., Heggen, M., & Kazi, E. (2022). The paradox of wild pedagogies: loss and hope next to a norwegian glacier. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 37-54.
Beeman, C. (2021). Wilding liability in education: Introducing the concept of wide risk as counterpoint to narrow-risk-driven educative practice. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 324-338.
Blenkinsop, S., & Ford, D. (2018a). Learning to speak Franklin: nature as co-teacher. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 307-318.
Blenkinsop, S., & Ford, D. (2018b). The relational, the critical, and the existential: three strands and accompanying challenges for extending the theory of environmental education. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 319-330.
Cruz-Pierre, A., & Landes, D. A. (Eds.) (2013). Exploring the work of Edward S. Casey: Giving voice to place, memory, and imagination. Bloomsbury Academic.
Edlev, L. T. (2009). Naturopplevelse og naturfaglig interesse. Hva er forholdet mellom æstetiske læreprosesser og naturfaglig undervisning? En K. Fink-Jensen & A. M. Nielsen (Eds.), Æstetiske læreprocesser – i teori og praksis (pp. 13-28). Billesø & Baltzer.
Foreman, D. (2014). The Great Conservation Divide: Conservation Vs. Resourcism on America’s Public Lands. Raven’s Eye Press.
Green, C. (2022). The slippery bluff as a barrier or a summit of possibility: Decolonizing wild pedagogies in alaska native children’s experiences on the land. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 83-101.
Green, M., & Dyment, J. (2018). Wilding pedagogy in an unexpected landscape: reflections and possibilities in initial teacher education. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 277-292.
Hempsall, C. (2022). Is the theory of Wild Pedagogies precisely the utopian philosophy the Anthropocene needs? Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 222-236.
Henderson, B. (2018). Review of wild pedagogies: touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the Anthropocene by B. Jickling, S. Blenkinsop, N. Timmerman, M. De Dannan Sitka-Sage (Eds.), Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 331-335.
Hughes, F. (2023). Early Childhood Educators’ Professional Learning for Sustainability Through Action Research in Australian Immersive Nature Play Programmes 1. Educational Research for Social Change, 12(1), 69-83.
Jickling, B. (2015). Self-willed learning: experiments in wild pedagogy. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(1), 149-161.
Jickling, B., & Blenkinsop, S. (2020a). Wilding teacher education: responding to the cries of nature. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23(1), 121-138.
Jickling, B., & Blenkinsop, S. (2020b). Wild pedagogies and the promise of a different education. Challenges to change. En D. Wright & S. Hill (Eds.), Social Ecology and Education: Transforming Worldviews and Practices (pp. 55-64). Routledge.
Jickling, B., & Morse, M. (2022). Experiments with Lyric Philosophy and the wilding of Educational Research. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), 25, 13-36.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., & Morse, M. (2023a). An introduction to wild pedagogies. En S. Priest, S. Ritchie & D. Scott (Eds.). Outdoor Learning in Canada.
Jickling, B., Morse, M., & Blenkinsop, S. (2023b). Wild Pedagogies, Outdoor Education, and the Educational Imagination. International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education, 12, 183-198.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Morse, M., & Jensen, A. (2018a). Wild pedagogies: six initial touchstones for early childhood environmental educators. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34(2), 159-171.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Timmerman, N., & Sitka-Sage, M. (Eds.). (2018b). Wild pedagogies: Touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the anthropocene. Springer International Publishing AG.
Jørgensen-Vittersø, K. A., Blenkinsop, S., Heggen, M., & Neegaard, H. (2022). «Friluftsliv» and wild pedagogies: building pedagogies for early childhood education in a time of environmental uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 135-154.
Ketlhoilwe, M. J., & Velempini, K. (2021). Wilding educational policy: the case of Botswana. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 358-371.
Krigstin, S., Cardoso, J., Kayadapuram, M., & Wang, M. L. (2023). Benefits of Adopting Wild Pedagogies in University Education. Forests, 14(7).
Kuchta, E. C. (2022). Rewilding the imagination: teaching ecocriticism in the change times. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 190-206.
Lama, N. (2022). An inquiry into education and well-being: perspectives from a himalayan contemplative tradition and wild pedagogies. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 70-82.
MacEachren, Z. (2022). Reflections on campfire experiences as wild pedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 102-119.
Maistry, S. M., Sabelis, I., & Simmonds, S. (2023). Invoking posthuman vistas: A diffractive gaze on curriculum practices and potential. South African Journal of Higher Education, 37(5), 78-99.
Matsagopane, Y. (2024). Imagining Advancement of Wilding Educational Policy: Reflections and Possibilities in Botswana. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 40, 48-54.
Medeiros, S. (2022). Listening to the Jaguar and the Tapir. An outline of a wild pedagogy. Literature Beyond the Human, 146-159.
Morse, M., Blenkinsop, S., & Jickling, B. (2021a). Wilding educational policy: Hope for the future. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 262-268.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Morse, P. (2021b). Wild Pedagogies. En G. Thomas, J. Dyment & H. Prince (Eds.), International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education (pp. 111-121). Springer International Publishing.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., & Morse, P. (2018a). Views from a pinhole: experiments in wild pedagogy on the Franklin river. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 255-275.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., & Quay, J. (2018b). Rethinking relationships through education: wild pedagogies in practice. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 241-254.
Naess, A. (1989). Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy. Cambridge University Press.
Nerland, J., & Aadland, H. (2022). Friluftsliv in a Pedagogical Context. A Wild Pedagogy Path toward Environmental Awareness. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 120-134.
Pahuus, M. (1988). Naturen og den menneskelige natur [Nature and human nature]. Philosophia.
Paulsen, M., Jagodzinski, J., & Hawke. S. (Eds.). (2022). Pedagogy in the anthropocene: Re-wilding education for a new earth. Springer International Publishing AG.
Petersen, K. (2021). Reflections on place, place-based education and wild pedagogies in Denmark: a Schooner Project. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 25(1), 48-61.
Petz, M. (2022). Nomadtown, manifesting the global village hypothesis: a case study of a rural resilience hub within an educational milieu in North Karelia, Finland. European Countryside, 14(1), 180-216.
Pierce, J., & Telford, J. (2023). From McDonaldization to place-based experience: Revitalizing outdoor education in Ireland. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-14.
Quay, J. (2021). Wild and willful pedagogies: education policy and practice to embrace the spirits of a more-than-human world. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 291-306.
Quay, J., & Jensen, A. (2018). Wild pedagogies and wilding pedagogies: teacher-student-nature centredness and the challenges for teaching. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 293-305.
Real Academia Española. (2022). Diccionario de la lengua española.
Reveley, J. (2024). Somatic multiplicities: The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurobiologized educational subject. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 56(1), 52-62.
Richey, M. (2022). Transforming existing perceptions: language as a tool for accessing the ecological self. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 207-221.
Schmidt, J. (2022). The place of ruin within wild pedagogies. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 55-69.
Smit, P.-B., & Veerbeek, I. (2023). Parrēsia beyond Humankind? Exploring the Representation of the Voice of Creation in the Epistle to the Romans. Journal of Early Christian History, 1-15.
Trench, R. C. (1853). On the Study of Words. Macmillan.
Willis, A., Thiele, C., Fox, R., Miller, A., McMaster, N., & Menzies, S. (2024). Educators unplugged: Working and thinking in natural environments. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-14.
Winks, L. (2020). Wild Pedagogies. Environmental Education Research, 26(2), 303-304.
Winks, L., & Warwick, P. (2021). ‘From lone-sailor to fleet’: Supporting educators through Wild Pedagogies. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 372-386.
Beavington, L., Beeman, C., Blenkinsop, S., Heggen, M., & Kazi, E. (2022). The paradox of wild pedagogies: loss and hope next to a norwegian glacier. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 37-54.
Beeman, C. (2021). Wilding liability in education: Introducing the concept of wide risk as counterpoint to narrow-risk-driven educative practice. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 324-338.
Blenkinsop, S., & Ford, D. (2018a). Learning to speak Franklin: nature as co-teacher. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 307-318.
Blenkinsop, S., & Ford, D. (2018b). The relational, the critical, and the existential: three strands and accompanying challenges for extending the theory of environmental education. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 319-330.
Cruz-Pierre, A., & Landes, D. A. (Eds.) (2013). Exploring the work of Edward S. Casey: Giving voice to place, memory, and imagination. Bloomsbury Academic.
Edlev, L. T. (2009). Naturopplevelse og naturfaglig interesse. Hva er forholdet mellom æstetiske læreprosesser og naturfaglig undervisning? En K. Fink-Jensen & A. M. Nielsen (Eds.), Æstetiske læreprocesser – i teori og praksis (pp. 13-28). Billesø & Baltzer.
Foreman, D. (2014). The Great Conservation Divide: Conservation Vs. Resourcism on America’s Public Lands. Raven’s Eye Press.
Green, C. (2022). The slippery bluff as a barrier or a summit of possibility: Decolonizing wild pedagogies in alaska native children’s experiences on the land. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 83-101.
Green, M., & Dyment, J. (2018). Wilding pedagogy in an unexpected landscape: reflections and possibilities in initial teacher education. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 277-292.
Hempsall, C. (2022). Is the theory of Wild Pedagogies precisely the utopian philosophy the Anthropocene needs? Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 222-236.
Henderson, B. (2018). Review of wild pedagogies: touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the Anthropocene by B. Jickling, S. Blenkinsop, N. Timmerman, M. De Dannan Sitka-Sage (Eds.), Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 331-335.
Hughes, F. (2023). Early Childhood Educators’ Professional Learning for Sustainability Through Action Research in Australian Immersive Nature Play Programmes 1. Educational Research for Social Change, 12(1), 69-83.
Jickling, B. (2015). Self-willed learning: experiments in wild pedagogy. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(1), 149-161.
Jickling, B., & Blenkinsop, S. (2020a). Wilding teacher education: responding to the cries of nature. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23(1), 121-138.
Jickling, B., & Blenkinsop, S. (2020b). Wild pedagogies and the promise of a different education. Challenges to change. En D. Wright & S. Hill (Eds.), Social Ecology and Education: Transforming Worldviews and Practices (pp. 55-64). Routledge.
Jickling, B., & Morse, M. (2022). Experiments with Lyric Philosophy and the wilding of Educational Research. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), 25, 13-36.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., & Morse, M. (2023a). An introduction to wild pedagogies. En S. Priest, S. Ritchie & D. Scott (Eds.). Outdoor Learning in Canada.
Jickling, B., Morse, M., & Blenkinsop, S. (2023b). Wild Pedagogies, Outdoor Education, and the Educational Imagination. International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education, 12, 183-198.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Morse, M., & Jensen, A. (2018a). Wild pedagogies: six initial touchstones for early childhood environmental educators. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34(2), 159-171.
Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Timmerman, N., & Sitka-Sage, M. (Eds.). (2018b). Wild pedagogies: Touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the anthropocene. Springer International Publishing AG.
Jørgensen-Vittersø, K. A., Blenkinsop, S., Heggen, M., & Neegaard, H. (2022). «Friluftsliv» and wild pedagogies: building pedagogies for early childhood education in a time of environmental uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 135-154.
Ketlhoilwe, M. J., & Velempini, K. (2021). Wilding educational policy: the case of Botswana. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 358-371.
Krigstin, S., Cardoso, J., Kayadapuram, M., & Wang, M. L. (2023). Benefits of Adopting Wild Pedagogies in University Education. Forests, 14(7).
Kuchta, E. C. (2022). Rewilding the imagination: teaching ecocriticism in the change times. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 190-206.
Lama, N. (2022). An inquiry into education and well-being: perspectives from a himalayan contemplative tradition and wild pedagogies. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 70-82.
MacEachren, Z. (2022). Reflections on campfire experiences as wild pedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 102-119.
Maistry, S. M., Sabelis, I., & Simmonds, S. (2023). Invoking posthuman vistas: A diffractive gaze on curriculum practices and potential. South African Journal of Higher Education, 37(5), 78-99.
Matsagopane, Y. (2024). Imagining Advancement of Wilding Educational Policy: Reflections and Possibilities in Botswana. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 40, 48-54.
Medeiros, S. (2022). Listening to the Jaguar and the Tapir. An outline of a wild pedagogy. Literature Beyond the Human, 146-159.
Morse, M., Blenkinsop, S., & Jickling, B. (2021a). Wilding educational policy: Hope for the future. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 262-268.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., Blenkinsop, S., Morse, P. (2021b). Wild Pedagogies. En G. Thomas, J. Dyment & H. Prince (Eds.), International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education (pp. 111-121). Springer International Publishing.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., & Morse, P. (2018a). Views from a pinhole: experiments in wild pedagogy on the Franklin river. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 255-275.
Morse, M., Jickling, B., & Quay, J. (2018b). Rethinking relationships through education: wild pedagogies in practice. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 241-254.
Naess, A. (1989). Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy. Cambridge University Press.
Nerland, J., & Aadland, H. (2022). Friluftsliv in a Pedagogical Context. A Wild Pedagogy Path toward Environmental Awareness. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 120-134.
Pahuus, M. (1988). Naturen og den menneskelige natur [Nature and human nature]. Philosophia.
Paulsen, M., Jagodzinski, J., & Hawke. S. (Eds.). (2022). Pedagogy in the anthropocene: Re-wilding education for a new earth. Springer International Publishing AG.
Petersen, K. (2021). Reflections on place, place-based education and wild pedagogies in Denmark: a Schooner Project. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 25(1), 48-61.
Petz, M. (2022). Nomadtown, manifesting the global village hypothesis: a case study of a rural resilience hub within an educational milieu in North Karelia, Finland. European Countryside, 14(1), 180-216.
Pierce, J., & Telford, J. (2023). From McDonaldization to place-based experience: Revitalizing outdoor education in Ireland. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-14.
Quay, J. (2021). Wild and willful pedagogies: education policy and practice to embrace the spirits of a more-than-human world. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 291-306.
Quay, J., & Jensen, A. (2018). Wild pedagogies and wilding pedagogies: teacher-student-nature centredness and the challenges for teaching. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(3), 293-305.
Real Academia Española. (2022). Diccionario de la lengua española.
Reveley, J. (2024). Somatic multiplicities: The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurobiologized educational subject. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 56(1), 52-62.
Richey, M. (2022). Transforming existing perceptions: language as a tool for accessing the ecological self. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 207-221.
Schmidt, J. (2022). The place of ruin within wild pedagogies. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, 55-69.
Smit, P.-B., & Veerbeek, I. (2023). Parrēsia beyond Humankind? Exploring the Representation of the Voice of Creation in the Epistle to the Romans. Journal of Early Christian History, 1-15.
Trench, R. C. (1853). On the Study of Words. Macmillan.
Willis, A., Thiele, C., Fox, R., Miller, A., McMaster, N., & Menzies, S. (2024). Educators unplugged: Working and thinking in natural environments. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1-14.
Winks, L. (2020). Wild Pedagogies. Environmental Education Research, 26(2), 303-304.
Winks, L., & Warwick, P. (2021). ‘From lone-sailor to fleet’: Supporting educators through Wild Pedagogies. Policy Futures in Education, 19(3), 372-386.
Alonso Del Casar, J. (2025). Pedagogías salvajes: nuevas concepciones para una ontología relacional en educación. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 37(1), 45–63.
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