Educational innovation in Fashion: Essence, evolution and pedagogical and creative applications in the runway


The fashion runway, as a social and professional event that has been consolidated from the 19th century to the present, responds to a show profile. The text focuses on the study of it, assumed as an event that treasures a double profile, professional and academic. It starts from a historical-typological reading, and an inquiry into the creativity inherent to its essence. Assuming its fundamental nature, it is analyzed as a phenomenon loaded with pedagogical creativity, both in its professional meaning, which provides training content to the attending students, and essentially in the so-called «academic runway». This innovative version is that it is precisely the students who display their own creations. This is a recent dynamic, which is illustrated with a set of relevant cases drawn from the international university scene. The overall purpose of the text is to explore and propose for its replication the «academic runway» format as a pedagogical resource with a growing potential for the training of Fashion students.
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Author Biography

Laura Luceño Casals

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Laura Luceño Casals. Institución: Centro Superior de Diseño de Moda de Madrid (csdmm)-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (upm).