The curriculum of Spanish in the universities of Taiwan

  • Margarita Nieto Bedoya
    Universidad de Valladolid mrubia[at]
  • Mariano Rubia Avi
    Universidad de Valladolid
  • Yun Ting Huang
    Universidad de Valladolid


The government of Taiwan is aware that the Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. University conscious of this fact is assuming its teaching either as an optional subject or degree. The universities that have higher enrollment of students and with the Department of Spanish are: Fujen, Providence, Tamkang and Wenzao. In this situation we have considered important to conduct an analysis of their curriculum and come to other conclusions about the Department of Spanish have a structuralist orientation supported by the traditional method and somewhat away from the recommendations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes.Today in the curriculum of foreign languages is essential sociocultural and intercultural competence, so that they serve the students as a bridge between Taiwanese culture and Spanish culture. But the Departments of Spanish of Taiwan, focus more on the content of «Culture with a capital C» and this has little to do with everyday life, therefore students can’t easily understand. As a result, we must strengthen the aspects related to the «culture with a little c» and «culture with a k» which revolve around the social and cultural aspects of the target culture, themes that would enhance intercultural competence and communicative competence.
  • Referencias
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Departamento de Estadística del Ministerio de Educación (Taiwán)

Universidad Católica de Fujen

Universidad de Providence

Universidad de Tamkang

Universidad de Idiomas Extranjeros Wenzao
Nieto Bedoya, M., Rubia Avi, M., & Huang, Y. T. (2017). The curriculum of Spanish in the universities of Taiwan. Aula, 23, 243–261.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Nieto Bedoya

Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Valladolid, España.

Mariano Rubia Avi

Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Valladolid, España.

Yun Ting Huang

Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Valladolid, España.