The Pedagogic Museum of Aragon. Some thoughts on its first ten years of active life


The Pedagogical Museum of Aragon will be 10 years old in spring 2016. In this paper, a brief summary of the work done during this period of time is set out, paying particular attention to some relevant signs to assess the work achieved by the museum such as the number of visits, items comprising the museum’s collection, cataloguing system, works published by the Pedagogical Museum of Aragon –which reflect the research and diffusion activities of the educational-historical heritage that have been undertaken– or temporary loans for exhibitions organised by other institutions.Finally, the author will present a series of considerations on matters he had not taken into account before being appointed Director of the Pedagogical Museum of Aragon. These may be useful for those interested in pedagogical museums and the preservation and diffusion of the educational-historical heritage.
  • Referencias
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Hernández Díaz, José María (2011) Etnografía escolar e Historia de la Educación. Pistas de aproximación. En Alejandro Mayordomo, Carmen Agulló y Gabriel García Fasquet El patrimoni historicoeducatiu valencià. V Jornades d’Historia de L’Educació valenciana. Alicante: ceic Alfons el Vell/Universitat de València (pp. 65-96).

Hernández Ruiz, Santiago (1997) Una vida española del siglo XX. Memorias. (Edición e introducción de Víctor M. Juan Borroy). Zaragoza: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

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Ruiz Berrio Julio (2002), Pasado, presente y porvenir de los museos de la educación. En Agustín Escolano y José María Hernández Díaz (coords.) La memoria y el deseo. Cultura de la escuela y educación deseada (pp. 43-65). Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

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Juan Borroy, V. (2016). The Pedagogic Museum of Aragon. Some thoughts on its first ten years of active life. Aula, 22, 35–51.


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Author Biography

Víctor Juan Borroy

Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Zaragoza, España.