Decolonize the education from the tópos of Earth and Collectivity in the thoughts of R. Kusch and A. Krenak


This article presents a critical reflection on the paradigm of thought, language, and methods of South American philosophical production, interwoven with Euro-Anglocentric epistemology which feeds into, perpetuates and innovates, contemporary coloniality. Though to the detriment of the modus vivendi, these themes and peculiarities encompass the different cultures of the Continent. For this purpose, I begin by discussing the hermeneutics of two elements considered to be original and lasting in the lives of South American people: the ‘Earth’ and the ‘Collectiveness’, also formulated with the term ‘Estar’ in place of ‘Being’. Such concepts are examined philosophically through the works of Rodolfo Kusch and Ailton Krenak. Although belonging to different eras, the works of Kusch and Krenak collectively state that the earth and the collectiveness, with their ancestral meanings and legacies, form an irreducible and persistent resistance to westernization of marginal cultures. Based on the interpretation of this tópos: the earth and the collectiveness and their meanings, I critically discuss aspects of the current educational principles and the urgency to overcome the veiled colonialities that undermine its foundations. Furthermore, I try to recover the ethical and intercultural perspective of coexistence, both among peoples and with the constellations of living beings, as a counterpart to the source-usurping model imposed by the global market.
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Ceccato, D. (2022). Decolonize the education from the tópos of Earth and Collectivity in the thoughts of R. Kusch and A. Krenak. Aula, 28, 189–202.


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Author Biography

Dulcelene Ceccato

Instituto de Ensino e Assistência Social – IEAS. PR. Brasil