Black voices at the borders of coloniality: Pedagogy of (re)existence, a different way of (des)learning


This text is the result of dialogues with black and quilombola girls about the crossings of racism in life and learning experiences. It is important to show how children subjects of themselves and of their own stories, create other possibilities of life that cause a Pedagogy of (re)existence to emerge from the intersection between race and gender. To this end decolonial thought constitutes itself as an interpretative tool, chosen to problematize the colonizing ties that, for so long, (in)made visible knowledge, aesthetics, cultures, religions, ways of being and living, subalternizing subjects and spaces «other», non-European. What we weave here emerges from the intensity of an ethnographic immersion, of the senses, knowledge and do learned on the ground of an urban quilombo. In short, the exercise of sensitive listening allowed us to understand that in the black voices, girls and quilombolas, echoes senses and organic gestures of resistance that constitute what we call the Pedagogy of (re)existence – desire of existence, transformation, creation and ethics of oneself on the borders of coloniality. There is, here, another way of (dis)learning, of anti-racist education.
  • Referencias
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Miglio de Mesquita, I., & Santos de Almeida, M. (2022). Black voices at the borders of coloniality: Pedagogy of (re)existence, a different way of (des)learning. Aula, 28, 137–150.


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Author Biographies

Ilka Miglio de Mesquita

Universidade Tiradentes/UNIT

Mirianne Santos de Almeida

SEMED/São Cristóvão