Training teachers in evaluating competencies: the path to high-quality education


The Spanish educational system changes as often as the governing political party does. This not only affects teachers, who can barely keep up with the ceaseless changes, but also the students. However, it is mandatory to find a way to integrate these changes in the curriculum, since according to this new competencybased system such changes open the path to the learning of competencies. This investigation aims to determine how teachers feel about the evaluation processes and show that evaluation competencies are the key skill for the current situation. We combined qualitative and quantitative research methods and surveyed both students and teachers. After designing and applying the survey instruments (a Likert attitude test, as well as detailed questionnaires and interviews), the data compiled allow us to draw some conclusions. On the one hand, our research shows that teachers have not yet become fully adapted to the functional model that aims to evaluate basic competencies, whereas they consider the educational model essential. On the other hand, our results reveal that teachers with experience in collaborative research and educational innovation are more likely to apply these evaluation competencies correctly to reach the desired goal. Collaborative teaching training must be considered the key to the implementation of all changes in the educational system.
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Tonda Rodríguez, P., & Medina Rivilla, A. (2014). Training teachers in evaluating competencies: the path to high-quality education. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 31(2), 167–188. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Palma Tonda Rodríguez

Universidad de Cádiz
Calle Doctor Marañón, 3, 11002 Cádiz (España)

Antonio Medina Rivilla

Calle Juan del Rosal, 14, 28040 Madrid (España)