The Montessori method in the Spanish early childhooh education: lights and shadows

  • Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco
    Universidad de Málaga


This article analyses the introduction, dissemination and application of Montessori pedagogy in Spain in three stages. It was during the first period (1914-1936) when many of her works were published in Spanish, the first experiences took place and Montessori herself spent years here. In the second stage (1936-1975), after two decades of frontal rejection of the entire New School, Montessori found herplace. And finally, in the third stage, coinciding with democracy in Spain, a certain diversity and even confusion regarding the application of its methods can be identified. Montessori’s life and works have been hidden by hagiographic writings. It is necessary to approach her taking into account her context, education, beliefs and interests. Only by doing so will it be possible to distinguish those who apply her theories from those who are just trying to sell something different on her name.
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Sanchidrián Blanco, C. (2021). The Montessori method in the Spanish early childhooh education: lights and shadows. Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 313–335.

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