Educational Policy and Teaching of the Arts; Study of its Normative Evolution (Spain, 1832-2020)

  • Juan Luis Rubio Mayoral
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • Guadalupe Trigueros Gordillo
    Universidad de Sevilla trigueros[at]


The purpose of this work is to analyze the development of educational policies regarding the teaching of the arts. Part of the evolutionary study of the artistic disciplines integrated in the special regime teachings. In principle, it is nourished by the legislative evolution of the object studied and adds the content of the works and investigations carried out in a prevalent way from each artistic discipline, without avoiding the political, social, cultural or economic factors that conditioned its evolution. Their progress represents different and specific trajectories circumscribed to each of their levels and training areas. They are training courses that have had a limited demand for training courses, restricted both by the limited volume of their offer and by the historical absence of an educational policy determined to promote their development. There is no doubt that there is also a link between the various formations and the place that these artistic expressions occupy in the culture and also in the professional expectations of their higher levels.
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Rubio Mayoral, J. L., & Trigueros Gordillo, G. (2022). Educational Policy and Teaching of the Arts; Study of its Normative Evolution (Spain, 1832-2020). Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 41–60.

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