The new political history of education


The political history, after over putting itself to the discredit provo- cated by the nouvelle histoire of the Annales, and after accomplishing an intense conceptual transformation, has been converted into one of the central subject of the actual historiographical debate. Basing itself in the importance of the subject, events and political facts, and exaltating at the same time, subjectivity and the free and undetermined acts of human being, the new political history expands its field of action toward other themes such as the relationships of power. In this way, political, economical, cultural and mental aspects converge in this new political history. Its access to historical knowledge takes places through renewed paths that offer great possibilities to the history of education: biographies (both of great figures and ordinary people) the history of quotidian life, memory and political culture, understanding this last one group of representations in which a human group can be distinguished. This new paths of analysis offer to this new political history of education an large thematic field that can be completed with the study of renovated old subjects, for example the history of political ideas, intellectuals and different institutions, specially that of the State-Nation.
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Fernández Soria, J. M. (2013). The new political history of education. Historia De La Educación, 25, 71–103. Retrieved from

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Juan Manuel Fernández Soria

Universidad de Valencia
Av de los Naranjos, s/n. 46022 Valencia. España.