Origin and developement of the arts and profesional schools in Spain


The professional formation was looked upon as a group of eminetly practical teaching in the XIX century in Spain. In the 1886 on, the professional schools began spreading all over Spain with a innidle propose: to provide a basic educational level for the middle and low social classes. Un exemple of this we can find in the Schools of «Artes y Oficios» (Some kind af technical colleges) of Seville, which originaly started from the Royal Economic Society of the friends of the Country. This society gave truition for the formation of the future craftmanship and situation of a province with mamy atrouble of the working class: this obvionsly contributed to a better social situation.
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Montero Pedrera, A. (2013). Origin and developement of the arts and profesional schools in Spain. Historia De La Educación, 17, 319–330. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10722

