The secondary school in Spain (1938-1953

  • Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente
    Universidad de Complutense ?[at]


I In the context of the studied period, it can be appreciated clearly that the Secondary School, created in 1938, worked according with the desired State model . From the pedagogic point of view it was close to the principles of the preceeding years, since it aimed to a whole education , classic, ciclic, etc, Secondary School, and of course it gave satissfaction to the Chuch Centers by stablhising the State Exam and diving the teaching and the exam jobs, this last was controlled by the University. The draft law project of 1947, proposed by the Secretary of State for Education Ibáñez Martín, within the same politic and ideologic environment, aimed to solve the detected problems and to aproache to the way of doing the Secondary School in other countries. But considering the reactions to it, we must think that it was early for its time and that the problems with the church education centers and the examination atribution of the public secondary school centers, mainly, leaded to the fail of a proposition that had moderned the Spanish Secondary School.
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Lorenzo Vicente, J. A. (2013). The secondary school in Spain (1938-1953. Historia De La Educación, 17, 71–88. Retrieved from


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