The academisation of technical education at the end of the Ancien Régime


This study examines the genesis of academised technical education at the end of the Ancien Régime. The institutionalisation of the training of professionals of navigation, industry, commerce and agriculture emerged in the second half of the XVIII century in close relation to the programs of economic promotion, of diffusion of science and modern techniques and the pedagogical impulse of the Enlightenment. This process of academisation of the new knowledge would lead to the excision of the workshop- school and the revision of the teaching of the guilds, giving rise to a new model of education of the young, in contrast to the philological paradigm which had been predominant since the Renaissance in secondary schools. This new model was characterised by curricular planning according to the propositions of empirical science, mathematics and useful knowledge, by the discourse of the practicality of knowledge and by the new ethos of the middle class.
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Escolano Benito, A. (2013). The academisation of technical education at the end of the Ancien Régime. Historia De La Educación, 17, 33–51. Retrieved from


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