Basic competencies and curricula. The case of Catalonia


The article raises issues that are usually considered controversial to address the issue of competencies, although it is a widely adopted concept in educational systems. Clarification of the various denominations that are granted the powers, depending on its scope and analysis of what their real contribution to educational progress is also proposed.The second part of the paper presents the case of Catalonia as an experience of integration of basic competencies in the currículum, with the novelty of his clear formulation related to the various areas or subjects, as well as its proposed gradation into three achievement levels. 
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Jaume Sarramona I López

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Departamento de Pedagogía Sistemática y Social. Edificio G6. 08193 Bellaterra / Cerdanyola del Vallès – (España)