Friedrich Nietzsche, René Girard and Christian’s «original sin»


This article analyses the interpretation held by Heidegger and Girard about the «predicted» death of God in Nietzsche. For him, God’s death is the death of the truth, since in all platonic or Christian perspective, God is the truth and the truth is divine. As Heidegger showed, it is the entire ultrasensitive world that disappears with the death of God. Regarding Heidegger’s interpretation, which does not grant Nietzsche’s antichristianism any great philosophical importance, Girard states that that issue should not be closed up so easily, as it is intrinsically connected with the thinking of the German philosopher. According to Girard, Nietzsche was completely convinced of the singularity of the Christian-biblical perspective, rejecting to some extent the equivalence established by positivism among all religious traditions. And it is for this reason that Nietzsche accused this death of being a hidden act of resentment.
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Langella, S. (2011). Friedrich Nietzsche, René Girard and Christian’s «original sin». Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 11, 165–176.


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Author Biography

Simona Langella

Università degli Studi di Genova
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università degli Studi di Genova. Via Balbi, 2 e 4 16126 Genova (Italia)