Relevance of analyzing the movie «Contagion» (2011) for learning clinical and epidemiological methods thru medical education

  • Nina Méndez Domínguez
    Universidad Marista de Mérida ninuxka[at]
  • Adriana Rodríguez Castellanos
    Centro de Investigaciones Regionales «Dr. Hideyo Noguchi»


Background: The films are a useful resource that has been widely used to facilitate learning in the health sciences education and particularly, in medicine. In this study we present the experience of the analysis of the movie Contagion (2011) in the course of clinical and epidemiological methods. Objective: To identify if the learning objectives were met with the learning activity that involves the film, in addition to describing the way in which students express the concepts learned and their perceptions about the learning activity and the film. Participants: Undergraduate students, in the fourth year of medical education at Marista University. Methods: We conducted a content analysis of the written essays of two generations of students. Results: After analyzing 96 written reports, we observed that students better clearly understood the real?life application of the course themes, they incorporated new concepts and reinforced them through additional revisions and also obtained a holistic perspective of the interrelationship of the epidemiological and clinical methodology. Conclusion: The analysis of the film Contagion is an appropriate activity, useful in the education of the clinical and epidemiological methods, according to the students´ written discourse.
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Méndez Domínguez, N., & Rodríguez Castellanos, A. (2016). Relevance of analyzing the movie «Contagion» (2011) for learning clinical and epidemiological methods thru medical education. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 12(3), 147–155. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Nina Méndez Domínguez

Universidad Marista de Mérida
Universidad Marista de Mérida, Campus de Ciencias de la Salud. Periférico Norte Tablaje Catastral 13941, Carretera Mérida – Progreso, 97300. Mérida, Yucatán (México).