Las relaciones financieras entre España y Portugal, 1563-1580


RESUMEN: Las economías de Castilla y Portugal durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI estaban estrechamente ligadas por vínculos financieros. Un espacio económico en desarrollo, el del Atlántico septentrional, comprendía ambos territorios y se organizaba a partir de los grandes centros feriales de Amberes, Lyon y Medina. El gran tráfico mercantil transoceánico se hacía presente en este escenario europeo gracias a la intervención de España y Portugal, pero con papeles bien distintos: España, incontinente, drenando el oro y la plata americanos hacia Europa, Portugal suministrando las apreciadas mercancías orientales. Las ferias de Medina del Campo y los mercaderes castellanos como Simón Ruiz se convierten en colaboradores necesarios de los mercaderes portugueses, pues a través de éstos negociaban los reembolsos o inversiones financieras en las plazas europeas; sin embargo, para ello era preciso un buen conocimiento de los negocios cambiarlos y su oportunidad, atendiendo a la cotización de las distintas monedas y a demanda de dinero en las ferias europeas. De la mano del mercader medinense entran los lisboetas en las grandes finanzas y la concertación de asientos con la Corona, aunque tal vez sin la pujanza que Felipe II hubiese deseado.ABSTRACT: The correspondence studied shows the importance that had, for this period of time (1563-1580), the relationship between Castille and Portugal. The vigorous economic space of the Northern Atlantic, the space in which were inscribed both territories, was organised from the three great market centres of Amberes, Lyon and Medina del Campo. The big transoceanic commercial trade was present in this European scenery thanks to the supervision of Spain an Portugal, but playing a very different role: Spain, draining gold and silver to Europe; and Portugal, supplying the appreciated oriental goods. The fairs of Medina and the Castilian merchants, like Simon Ruiz, were converted in necessary collaborators of the Portuguese commerce , because through them were negotiated their reimbursement or were made their investiments in the European centres, but in order to do that it was necessary to have a good knowledge of the exchange business and their opportunity, paying attention to the price of the different currencies and to the demand for money in the payment markets. The people of Lisbon were introduced by Simon Ruiz in the great financial world and in the Royal trading agreements, but perhaps without the strength that king Philip the Second could have wanted.
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Lucas Villanueva, Óscar. (2009). Las relaciones financieras entre España y Portugal, 1563-1580. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 23(1). Recuperado de


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