The Flow of Products to the Jesuit Missions in the Northwest of New Spain

  • Bernd Hausberger
    Centro de Estudios Históricos, El Colegio de México


This essay deals with the supply system organized by the missions of the Society of Jesus in northwestern New Spain. It contends that the Jesuits participated in globalizing material culture and patterns of consumption, triggering a considerable and constant flow of goods from all over the world from the center of the viceroyalty of New Spain to the border. This situation is illustrated by the requests the missionaries sent in 1712 to the procurador general of the order. The supplies were paid with the help of the Crown and with the money that the missions earned selling their agricultural surpluses to the mines of the region. In this way, it can be shown that the missions were inserted in a commercial system that not only relied on moving goods between the different parts of the globe, but also on import substitution processes that characterized early globalization.
  • Referencias
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