Towards a change of hegemony in Europe. The Hispanic Monarchy and the Empire between Nördlingen and Corbie. 1634-1636


The relationships between Spain and the Habsburg Empire went through different stages throughout the Thirty Years’ War. This article is focused on a very specific period of the war (1634-1636); it was at that moment when the failure of a common policy that had its last episode in the peace of Westphalia happened. Studying in depth the treaties negotiated at this time we try to understand why, unlike what happened with France and its allies, the Habsburgs were unable to implement a common military policy that would have prevented their loss of hegemony in Europe.
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Negredo Del Cerro, F. (2019). Towards a change of hegemony in Europe. The Hispanic Monarchy and the Empire between Nördlingen and Corbie. 1634-1636. Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 41(1), 117–152.


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